Field Funeral Home Masontown Wv

Field Funeral Home Masontown Wv

Field funeral home is locally family owned and dedicated to providing services to the families of preston county with care and compassion. For years, the preston county community has trusted field funeral home with helping them plan the celebrations of lives lived. Field funeral home is locally family owned and dedicated to providing services to the families of preston county with care and compassion. For years, the preston county community has trusted field funeral home with helping them plan the celebrations of lives lived. Edward gene welch, 75, of kingwood, wv, passed away april 8, 2024, at the mon health medical center in morgantown.

Field funeral home is locally family owned and dedicated to providing services to the families of preston county with care and compassion. For years, the preston county community has trusted field funeral home with helping them plan the celebrations of lives lived. Field funeral home is locally family owned and dedicated to providing services to the families of preston county with care and compassion. For years, the preston county community has trusted field funeral home with helping them plan the celebrations of lives lived. Edward gene welch, 75, of kingwood, wv, passed away april 8, 2024, at the mon health medical center in morgantown.

Daniel ray danny riggleman, 64, of morgantown, wv, passed away tuesday, february 20, 2024, at home with family by his side. He was born in kingwood, wv, on march 15, 1959, a son of the late rev. Elmer glen and inez (falkenstine) riggleman. Friends may call at the field funeral home in masontown, wv on monday, october 28, 2024, from 10 am until noon. A graveside service will follow at the arthurdale cemetery with pastor marvin shaffer officiating. Condolences may be extended online to the family at www. fieldfuneralhome. com. Field funeral home is locally family owned and dedicated to providing services to the families of preston county with care and compassion. For years the preston county community has trusted field funeral home with helping them plan the celebrations of lives lived. Richard powroznik, 71, of masontown, wv, passed away monday, february 27, 2023, at home surrounded by his family. He was born in morgantown, wv, on may 19, 1951, a son of the late stephen paul powroznik and eudora arlene (reese) powroznik. Meshell lee watkins, 50, of kingwood, wv, passed away saturday, october 12, 2024. She was born in youngstown, oh, on march 10, 1974, a daughter of david feather and phyllis (adams) feather of kingwood, wv. Calvin eugene montgomery, 78, of masontown, wv, passed away tuesday, august 16, 2022, at home. Calvin was born in grafton, on march 12, 1944, a son of the late joseph franklin montgomery jr. And dorothy pauline (keener) montgomery.

Meshell lee watkins, 50, of kingwood, wv, passed away saturday, october 12, 2024. She was born in youngstown, oh, on march 10, 1974, a daughter of david feather and phyllis (adams) feather of kingwood, wv. Calvin eugene montgomery, 78, of masontown, wv, passed away tuesday, august 16, 2022, at home. Calvin was born in grafton, on march 12, 1944, a son of the late joseph franklin montgomery jr. And dorothy pauline (keener) montgomery. Paul samuel sammy turner, 60, of masontown, wv, passed away sunday, march 17, 2024, at mon health medical center, in morgantown with family by his side. Born on june 8, 1963, in kingwood, wv, he was a son of the late roy donald and clara alice (stafford) turner.

Paul samuel sammy turner, 60, of masontown, wv, passed away sunday, march 17, 2024, at mon health medical center, in morgantown with family by his side. Born on june 8, 1963, in kingwood, wv, he was a son of the late roy donald and clara alice (stafford) turner.

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